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作者:         发布日期:2017-10-10     浏览次数:












[1] B Zhang, Y Y Guo, Q R Fan, R B Li, D S Chen, X K Zhang. Characterization and distribution of novel alleles of the vernalization gene  Vrn-A1 in Chinese wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. The Crop Journal, 2023, https: doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2022.10.002.

[2] Y Yu, T Q Song, Y K Wang, M F Zhang, N Li, M Yu, S X Zhang, H W Zhou, S H Guo, Y N Bu, T T Wang, J S Xiang, X K Zhang. The wheat WRKY transcription factor TaWRKY1-2D confers drought resistance in transgenic  Arabidopsis and wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 226:1203-1217.

[3] J F Zhou, T Q Song, H W Zhou, M F Zhang, N Li, J S Xiang, X K Zhang. Genome-wide identification, characterization, evolution, and expression pattern analyses of the typical thioredoxin gene family in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:1020584.

[4] M Yu, Y Yu, S H Guo, M F Zhang, N Li, S X Zhang, H W Zhou, F Wei, T Q Song, J Cheng, Q R Fan, C Y Shi, W H Feng, Y K Wang, J S Xiang, X K Zhang. Identification of  TaBADH-A1 allele for improving drought resistance and salt tolerance in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:942359.

[5] M Yu, X L Wang, H W Zhou, Y Yu, F Wei, S X Zhang, T Q Song, Y K Wang, Zhang X K. Identification of the yield traits related haplotype combinations of transcription factor genes  TaHDZ34 in common wheat. Molecular Breeding, 2022, 42:34.

[6] Y Yu, M Yu, S X Zhang, T Q Song, M F Zhang, H W Zhou, Y K Wang, J S Xiang, X K Zhang. Transcriptomic identification of wheat AP2/ERF transcription factors and functional characterization of  TaERF-6-3A in response to drought and salinity stresses. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2022, 23:3272.

[7] M Yu, Y Yu, T Q Song, Y R Zhang, F Wei, J Chen, B Zhang, X K Zhang. Characterization of the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) gene family in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) and its potential mechanism in response to drought and salinity stresses. Gene, 2022, 809:146031.

[8] S X Zhang, Y Yang, T Q Song, M F Zhang, N Li, Y Ming, H W Zhou, Y N Yang, S H Guo, C H Xu, Y L Tu, J S Xiang, X K Zhang. Genome-wide identification of foxtail millet’s TRX family and a functional analysis of  SiNRX1 in response to drought and salt stresses in transgenic  Arabidopsis . Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:946037.

[9] Y R Zhang, J F Zhou, F Wei, T Q Song, Y Yu, M Yu, Q R Fan, Y N Yang, G Xue, X K Zhang. Nucleoredoxin gene  TaNRX1 positively regulates drought tolerance in transgenic wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:756338.

[10] T Q Song, Y Yu, M F Zhang, H W Zhou, S X Zhang, M Yu, J F Zhou, J Cheng, J S Xiang, S J Yang, X K Zhang. A wheat  TaTOE1-B1 transcript  TaTOE1-B1-3 can delay the flowering time of transgenic  Arabidopsis . International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22: 12654.

[11] F Wei, T Q Song, J F Zhou, J Cheng, R B Li, M Yu, Y R Zhang, Y Yu, B Zhang, X K Zhang. A transcription factor TaTCP20 regulates the expression of  Ppd-D1b in common wheat. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 2021, 15: 359-367.

[12] J Cheng, F Wei, M F Zhang, N Li, T Q Song, Y Wang, D S Chen, J S Xiang, X K Zhang. Identification of a 193 bp promoter region of  TaNRX1-D gene from common wheat that contributes to osmotic or ABA stress inducibility in transgenic  Arabidopsis . Genes & Genomics, 2021, 43: 1035-1048.

[13] Y Yu, X L Wang, Y R Zhang, T Q Song, S X Zhang, X K Zhang, D S Chen. Genome-wide identification and characterization of the E2F/DP transcription factor family in  Tritcum aestivum L. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2021, 69.

[14] X L Wang, R Appels, X K Zhang, F Bekes, D Diepeveen, W J Ma, X Z Hu, S Islam. Solubility variation of wheat dough proteins: A practical way to track protein behaviors in dough processing. Food Chemistry, 2020, 312:126038.

[15] B Zhang, X G Wang, X L Wang, L Ma, Z H Wang, X K Zhang. Molecular characterization of a novel vernalization allele  Vrn-B1d and its effect on heading time in Chinese wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) landrace Hongchunmai. Molecular Breeding, 2018, 38:127.

[16] X L Wang, Y Q Zhang, B Zhang, C G Florides, Z Gao, Z H Wang, X K Zhang. Comparison of quality properties between high-molecular-weight glutenin 5+10 near-isogenic lines under three common wheat genetic backgrounds. Cereal Chemistry, 2018, 95:575-583.

[17] X L Wang, R Appels, X K Zhang, D Diepeveen, K Torok, S Tomoskozi, F Bekes, W J Ma, P Sharp, S Islam. Protein interactions during flour mixing using wheat flour with altered starch. Food Chemistry, 2017, 231:247-257.

[18] X L Wang, R Appels, X K Zhang, F Bekes, K Torok, S Tomoskozi, D Diepeveen, W J Ma, S Islam. Protein-transitions in and out of the dough matrix in wheat flour mixing. Food Chemistry, 2017, 217:542-551.

[19] Y Y Zhang, X L Wang, X G Wang, L Jiang, F J Liu, X Y He, S H Liu, X K Zhang. Development of multiplex-PCR systems for genes related to flour colour in Chinese autumn-sown wheat cultivars. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 2016, 8(2): 231-241.

[20] Q L Xie, S H Liu, Y Y Fan, and X K Zhang. Development of a dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction method for the determination of α-tocopherol in pigmented wheat by high-performance liquid chromatography. Food Analytical Methods, 2014, 7:21-30.

[21] S H Liu, Q L Xie, J Chen, J Z Sun, H He, and X K Zhang. Development and comparison of two dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction techniques coupled to high performance liquid chromatography for the rapid analysis of bisphenol A in edible oils. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013,1295:16-23.

[22] T C Zheng, X K Zhang, G H Yin, L N Wang, Y L Han, L Chen, F Huang, J W Tang, X C Xia, and Z H He. Genetic gains in grain yield, net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance achieved in Henan Province of China between 1981 and 2008. Field Crops Research, 2011, 122: 225-233.

[23] X G Mao, D S Jia, A Li, H Y Zhang, S J Tian, X K Zhang, J Z Jia, and R L Jing. Transgenic expression of  TaMYB2A confers enhanced tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in  Arabidopsis . Functional & Integrative Genomics, 2011, 11:445-465.

[24] F P Yang, L H Wang, J W Wang, X Y He, X K Zhang, X K Shang, W X Yang, X C Xia, and Z H He. Characterization of high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit genes in Chinese winter wheat cultivars and advanced lines using allele-specific markers and SDS-PAGE. Crop & Pasture Science, 2010, 61:84-91.

[25] M Wu, J P Zhang, J C Wang, X M Yang, A N Gao, X K Zhang, W H Liu, and L H Li. Cloning and characterization of repetitive sequences and development of SCAR markers specific for the P genome of  Agropyron cristatum . Euphytica, 2010, 172: 363-372.

[26] F P Yang, X K Zhang, X C Xia, D A Laurie, W X Yang, and Z H He. Distribution of the photoperiod insensitive  Ppd-D1a allele in Chinese wheat cultivars. Euphytica,2009, 165:445-452.

[27] X K Zhang, Y G Xiao, Y Zhang, X C Xia, and Z H He. Allelic variation at the vernalization genes  Vrn-A1 ,  Vrn-B1 ,  Vrn-D1 , and  Vrn-B3 in Chinese wheat cultivars and their association with growth habit. Crop Science,2008,48:458-470.

[28] X K Zhang, L Liu, Z H He, D J Sun, X Y He, Z H Xu, P P Zhang, F Chen, and X C Xia. Development of two multiplex PCR assays targeting improvement of bread-making and noodle qualities in common wheat, Plant Breeding,2008,127:109-115.

[29] Y Zhou, Z H He, X X Sui, X C Xia, X K Zhang, and G S Zhang. Genetic improvement of grain yield and associated traits in the northern China winter wheat regions from 1960 to 2000. Crop Science, 2007, 47: 245-253.

[30] Y Zhou, H Z Zhu, S B Cai, Z H He, X K Zhang, X C Xia, and G S Zhang. Genetic improvement of grain yield and associated traits in the southern China winter wheat region: 1949 to 2000. Euphytica, 2007, 157:465-473.

[31] X K Zhang, S J Yang, Y Zhou, Z H He, and X C Xia. Distribution of the  Rht-B1b ,  Rht-D1b  and  Rht8  reduced height genes in autumn-sown Chinese wheats detected by molecular markers. Euphytica,2006,152:109-116.




Email: zhangxiaoke66@126.com

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