胡继宏,男,1984年生,湖北黄冈人,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要从事油菜功能基因组与分子育种研究。兼任国际学术期刊《Frontiers in Plant Science》副主编及《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》、《New Crops》青年编委。
1. 西北农林科技大学引进人才科研启动项目,2022-2027,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2019-2022,主持
3. 陕西省重点研发计划一般项目,2023-2024,主持
4. 湖北省自然科学基金项目,2019-2020,主持
5. 第56批中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2014-2016,主持
6. 国家科技创新2030-农业生物育种重大专项,2022-2023,参与
(一) 代表性论文
1. Hu J†, Chen B†, Zhao J†, Zhang F†, Xie T†, Xu K†, Gao G, Yan G, Li H, Li, L, Ji G, An H, Li H, Huang Q, Zhang M, Wu J, Song W, Zhang X, Luo Y, Pires J, Batley J, Tian S*, Wu X*. Genomic selection and genetic architecture of agronomic traits during modern rapeseed breeding. Nature Genetics 2022, 54(5), 694-704.
2. Zhang C†, Gong R†, Zhong H†, Dai C, Zhang R, Dong J, Li Y, Liu S, Hu J*. Integrated multi-locus genome-wide association studies and transcriptome analysis for seed yield and yield-related traits in Brassica napus. Frontiers in Plant Science 2023, 14, 1153000.
3. Zhang H, Chen H, Tan J, Huang S, Chen X, Dong H, Zhang R, Wang Y, Wang B, Xiao X, Hong Z, Zhang J*, Hu J*, Zhang M*. The chromosome-scale reference genome and transcriptome analysis of Solanum torvum provides insights into resistance to root-knot nematodes. Frontiers in Plant Science 2023, 14, 1210513.
4. Zhang C, Lu L, Gong R, Su X, Liu F, Zhang R*, Hu J*. Conservation and divergence of the trihelix genes in Brassica and expression profiles of BnaTH genes in Brassica napus under abiotic stresses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022, 23, 15766.
5. Hu J†, Chen G†, Xu K, Wang J*. Cadmium in cereal crops: uptake and transport mechanisms and minimizing strategies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2022, 70(20), 5961-5974.
6. Hu J, Zhang F, Gao G, Li H, Wu X*. Auxin-related genes associated with leaf petiole angle at the seedling stage are involved in adaptation to low temperature in Brassica napus. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2021,182,104308.
7. Hu J†, Huang L†, Chen G†, Liu H†, Zhang Y, Zhang R, Zhang S, Liu J, Hu Q, Hu F*, Wang W*, Ding Y*. The elite alleles of OsSPL4 regulate grain size and increase grain yield in rice. Rice 2021, 14(1): 90.
8. Hu J†, Zeng T†, Xia Q†, Huang L†, Zhang Y†, Zhang C, Zeng Y, Liu H, Zhang S, Huang G, Wan W, Ding Y, Hu F*, Yang C*, Chen L*, Wang W*. Identification of key genes for the ultrahigh yield of rice using dynamic cross-tissue network analysis. Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2020, 18: 256-270.
9. Zhong Y†, Hu J†, Xia Q†, Zhang S, Li X, Pan X, Zhao R, Wang R, Yan W, Shangguan Z, Hu F*, Yang C*, Wang W*. Soil microbial mechanisms promoting ultrahigh rice yield. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2020, 143: 107741.
10. Wang A†, Hu J†, Gao C, Chen G, Wang B, Lin C, Song L, Ding Y, Zhou G*. Genome-wide analysis of long non-coding RNAs unveils the regulatory roles in the heat tolerance of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis). Scientific Reports 2019, 9:5002.
11. Hu J†, Zeng T†, Xia Q, Qian Q, Yang C, Ding Y, Chen L*, Wang W*. Unravelling miRNA regulation in yield of rice (Oryza sativa) based on differential network model. Scientific Reports 2018, 8(1):8498.
12. Hu, J, Chen G, Zhang H, Qian Q, Ding Y*. Comparative transcript profiling of alloplasmic male-sterile lines revealed altered gene expression related to pollen development in rice (Oryza sativa L.). BMC Plant Biology 2016, 16:175.
13. Wang A†, Hu J†, Huang X, Li X, Zhou G*. Yan Z. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals heat-responsive genes in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis). Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7: 939.
14. Hu J, Chen X, Zhang H, Ding Y*. Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in photoperiod- and thermo-sensitive male sterile rice Peiai 64S. BMC Genomics 2015, 16 (2):10.
15. Xie T*, Zhang F, Zhang H, Wang X, Hu J, Wu X. Biased gene retention during diploidization in Brassica linked to three-dimensional genome organization. Nature Plants 2019, 5: 822-832.
16. Zhang F, Xiao X, Yan G, Hu J, Cheng X, Li L, Li H, Wu X*. Association mapping of cadmium-tolerant QTLs in Brassica napus L. and insight into their contributions to phytoremediation. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2018, 155:420-428.
(二) 其他成果
1. 一种蛋白及其基因在控制粒重和/含油量中的应用, 中国专利,专利号: CN 201911932791.5,第四完成人
2. 一种蛋白及其基因在控制植物性状中的应用, 中国专利,专利号: CN 201910744522.5, 第四完成人
E-mail: hujh05@nwafu.edu.cn; hujh2010@163.com
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