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作者:         发布日期:2016-10-31     浏览次数:27




张玲丽,女,1970年2月生,陕西凤翔人,博士,教授、硕士生导师。1993年7 月,西北农业大学农学系毕业,获农学学士学位。2003年7月,获西北农林科技大学作物遗传育种专业硕士学位;2007年4月,获西北农林科技大学作物遗传育种专业博士学位。1993年7月参加工作, 2011年3月-2012年3月,在美国Purdue University(普渡大学)作访问学者。






1. 科研项目

先后主持国家及省部级科研项目6项,其中国家自然科学基金1项(调控小麦K-TCMS育性转换的长链非编码RNA  TaHTMAR 的功能解析,32072060)。先后主持/参加育成小麦新品种10个(其中国审品种5个,省审品种5个)。获国家科学技术进步奖二等奖1项,大北农科技奖(植物育种奖)1项,陕西省科学技术奖一等奖和二等奖各1项。获国家发明专利授权3项。获校级教学成果奖1项。先后发表科研论文20余篇。

2. 代表性论文

[1] Niu F, Bu Y, Yang X, Wu Y, He M, Zhang L*, Song X*.  Rfd1 , a restorer to the  Aegilops Juvenalis cytoplasm, functions in fertility restoration of wheat cytoplasmic male sterility.  J Exp Bot 2023, 74: 1432-1447

[2] Wang X, Chen X, Liu Z, Tang S, Zhang L*, Song X*. Genome-wide identification and functional characterization of pectin methylesterase inhibitors associated with male sterility in wheat.  Environ Exp Bot 2023, 212:105383

[3] He M, Wang X, Bu Y, Yang X, Zhang L*, Song X*. Gibberellin confers to the expression of TaGA-6D and negatively regulates the fertility of wheat with  Aegilops juvenalis cytoplasm.  Plant Sci  2023, 334:111771

[4] Yang X, Wang K, Bu Y, Niu F, Ge L, Zhang L*, Song X*. The transcription factor  TaGAMYB from wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) regulates flowering time and fertility in transgenic  Arabidopsis thaliana .  Planta 2023, 257:16

[5] Yang X, Wang K, Bu Y, Niu F, Ge L, Zhang L*, Song X*. The transcription factor  TaGAMYB modulates tapetum and pollen development of TGMS wheat YanZhan 4110S via the gibberellin signaling.  Plant Sci 2022, 324:111447

[6] Yang X, Wang K, Bu Y, Niu F, Ge L, Zhang L*, Song X*. Genome-wide analysis of GELP gene family in wheat and validation of  TaGELP073 involved in anther and pollen development.  Environ Exp Bot 2022, 200:104914

[7] Yang X, Bu Y, Niu F, Cun Y, Zhang L*, Song X*. Comprehensive analysis of LIM gene family in wheat reveals the involvement of  TaLIM2 in pollen development.  Plant Sci 2022, 314:111101

[8] Ye J, Bu Y, He M, Wu Y, Yang X, Zhang L*, Song X*. Genome-wide analysis of invertase gene family in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) indicates involvement of  TaCWINVs in pollen development.  Plant Growth Regul 2022, 98:77-89

[9] Ye J, Ge L, Geng X, He M, Yang X, Zhang L*, Song X*. Identification and validation of TCONS_00093333 for regulating fertility conversion of thermo-sensitive cytoplasmic male-sterility wheat with Aegilops kotschyi  cytoplasm.  Gene 2022, 838:146707

[10] Bu Y, Niu F, He M, Ye J, Yang X, Du Z, Zhang L*, Song X*. The gene  TaPG  encoding a polygalacturonase is critical for pollen development and male fertility in thermo-sensitive cytoplasmic male-sterility wheat.  Gene  2022 833:146596

[11] Geng X, Wang X, Wang J, Yang X, Zhang L*, Song X*.  TaEXPB5  functions as a gene related to pollen development in thermo-sensitive male-sterility wheat with  Aegilops kotschyi  cytoplasm.  Plant Sci 2022, 323:111377

[12] Chen Y, Jia Y, Niu F, Wu Y, Ye J, Yang X, Zhang L*, Song X*. Identification and validation of genetic locus  Rfk1 for wheat fertility restoration in the presence of  Aegilops kotschyi  cytoplasm.  Theor Appl Genet 2021, 134:875-885

[13] Wu H, Shi N, An X, Liu C, Fu H, Feng Y, Sun D, Zhang L*. Candidate genes for yellow leaf color in common wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) and major related metabolic pathways according to transcriptome profiling.  Int J Mol Sci 2018, 19:1594

[14] Liu C, Shi N, Wu H, An X, Zheng J, Duan Y, Sun D, Feng Y, Zhang L*. Cytogenetic analyses of  PSL1 mutant, a novel low temperature-sensitive purple-striped leaf color mutant in wheat.  Crop Sci 2018, 58: 1919-1931

[15] Zhang L, Liu C, An X, Wu H, Feng Y, Wang H, Sun D*. Identification and genetic mapping of a novel incompletely dominant yellow leaf color gene Y1718 on chromosome 2BS in wheat.  Euphytica 2017, 213: 141

[16] Ye J, Duan Y, Hu G, Geng X, Zhang G, Yan P, Liu Z, Zhang L*, Song X*. Identification of candidate genes and biosynthesis pathways related to fertility conversion by wheat KTM3315A transcriptome profiling.  Front Plant Sci 2017, 8: 449



Email: zhanglingli@126.com

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