主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和面上项目、国家外专项目、陕西省重点研发计划等,参加国家现代农业体系“杨凌小麦综合试验站”。获陕西省科学技术一等奖,作为主要完成人参与西农364、西农528等10余个国审和省审小麦品种选育。在《Advances in Agronomy》、《Food Chemistry》《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》、《Heredity》、《Functional & Integrative Genomics》、《Phytopathology》等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇。
(1) 代表性论文
[1] Li F, Cui C, Li C. Y, Yu Y, Zeng Q, Li X. Y, Zhao W. C, Dong J, Gao X, Xiang J. S, Zhang D。 G, Wen S. S*, Yang M. M*. Cytology, metabolomics, and proteomics reveal the grain filling process and quality difference of wheat. Food Chemistry. 2024, 457,140430.
[2] Liu X. J, Yin BZ, Bao X. Y, Hou X. Y, Wang T, Shang C, Yang M. M*, Zhen WC*. Optimization of irrigation period improves wheat yield by regulating source-sink relationship under water deficit. European Journal of Agronomy. 2024,156, 127164.
[3] Cui C, Li F, Zeng Q, Li C. Y, Shen W, Gao X, Li X. Y, Zhao W. C, Dong J, Li J. G*, Yang M. M*. Influence of fertilization methods and types on wheat rhizosphere microbiome community and functions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2024.
[4] Zeng Q, Zhao Y, Shen W, Han D. J, Yang M. M*. Seed-to-Seed: Plant core vertically transmitted microbiota. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023 Dec 3. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c07092. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38044571.
[5] Li C. Y, Zhao A. H, Yu Y, Cui C, Zeng Q, Shen W, Zhao Y, Wang F, Dong J, Gao X, Yang M. M* . Exploring the role of TaPLC1-2B in heat tolerance at seedling and adult stages of wheat through transcriptome analysis. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2023 Nov 21;24(23):16583. doi: 10.3390/ijms242316583.
[6] Zeng Q, Cui C, Wang K. Y, Li F, Li C. Y, Wen S, Yang M. M* . Pseudomonas fluorescens HC1-07 transformed with phenazine-1-carboxylic acid biosynthesis genes has improved biocontrol activity against Rhizoctonia root rot and Fusarium crown rot of wheat. BioControl 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10526-023-10227-0.
[7] Liu Pϯ , Yin B. Zϯ , Liu X. Jϯ , Gu L. M, Guo J. K, Yang M. M* , Zhen W. C* . Optimizing plant spatial competition can change phytohormone content and promote tillering, thereby improving wheat yield. 2023. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1147711.
[8] Li F, Zhao A. H, Cui C, Dong J, Gao X, Rustgi S*, Yang M. M*. Progress in genetics studies of traits related to the nutritional value of wheat, Advances in Agronomy, 2022, 176: 35-113.
[9] Lei Lϯ, Wu Dϯ, Cui Cϯ, Gao X*, Yao Y. J, Dong J, Xu L. S*, Yang M. M*. Transcriptome analysis ofearly senescence in the post-anthesis flag leaf of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2022. Plants, 11, 2593.
[10] Liu X. J, Wang X. D*, Liu P, Bao X. Y, Hou X. Y, Yang M. M*, Zhen W. C*. Rehydration compensation of winter wheat is mediated by hormone metabolism and deperoxidative activities under field conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:823846.
[11] Yang M. M*, Thomashow L. S, Weller D. M*. Evaluation of phytotoxicity of 2,4-Diacetylphloroglucinol and Pseudomonas brassicacearum Q8r1-96 on different wheat cultivars. Phytopathology, 2021, 111(11):1935-1941
[12] Wang X. Gϯ, Yao X. Lϯ, Zhao A. H, Yang M. M*, Zhao W. C, LeTourneau M. K, Dong J*, Gao X*. Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C gene involved in heat and drought tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Gene & Genomics, 2021, Doi.org/10.1007/s13258-021-01123-x
[13] Yang M. M, Mavrodi D. V, Mavrodi O. V, Thomashow L. S, Weller D. M. Exploring the pathogenicity of Pseudomonas brassicacearum Q8r1-96 and other strains of the Pseudomonas fluorescens complex on tomato. Plant Disease, 2020, 104:1026-1031.
[14] Yang M. M, Liu Y, Dong J, Zhao W. C, Kashyap S, Gao X, Rustgi S, Wen S. S. Probing early wheat grain development via transcriptomic and proteomic approaches. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 2020, 20:63-74.
[15] Yang M. M, Wang X. G, Dong J, Zhao W. C, Alam T, Thomashow L. S, Weller D. M, Gao X, Rustgi S, Wen S. S. Proteomics reveals the changes that contribute to fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. Phytopathology, 2020. doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-05-20-0171-R
[16] Wang X. G, Liu Y, Li Z, Gao X, Dong J, Zhang J. C, Zhang L. L, Thomashow L. S, Weller D. M, Yang M. M. Genome-wide identification and expression profile analysis of the phospholipase C gene family in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plants, 2020, 9: 885.
[17] Wang X. G, Liu Y, Li Z, Gao X, Dong J, Yang M. M. Expression and evolution of the phospholipase C gene family in Brachypodium distachyon. Genes & Genomics, 2020, 42: 1041-1053.
[18] Yang M.M, Mavrodi D.V, Thomashow L.S, Weller D. M. Differential response of wheat cultivars to Pseudomonas brassicacearum and take-all decline soil. Phytopathology, 2018, 108: 1363-1372.
[19] Yang M.M, Gao X, Dong J, et al. Pattern of protein expression in developing wheat grains identified through proteomic analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:962.
[20] Yang M.M, Mavrodi D.V, Mavrodi O.V, et al. Construction of a recombinant strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens, producing both phenazine-1-carboxylic acid and cyclic lipopeptide for the biocontrol of take-all disease of wheat. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2017, 149:683-69.
[21] Yang M.M, Dong J, Zhao W, et al. Characterization of proteins involved in early stage of wheat grain development by iTRAQ. Journal of Proteomics, 2016, 136:157.
[22] Yang M.M., Wen S.S., Mavrodi D.V., Mavrodi O.V., Thomashow L.S., Guo J.H., and Weller, D.V. 2014 Biological control of wheat root diseases by the CLP-producing strain Pseudomonas fluorescens HC1-07. Phytopathology. 104(3):248-256.
[23] Wen S, Wen N, Pang J, Langen G, Brew-Appiah RA, Mejias JH, Osorio C, Yang M, Gemini R, Moehs CP, Zemetra RS, Kogel KH, Liu B, Wang X, von Wettstein D, Rustgi S. 2012. Structural genes of wheat and barley 5-methylcytosine DNA glycosylases and their potential applications for human health. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109(50):20543-8.
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