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作者:         发布日期:2021-12-10     浏览次数:


















(一) 代表性论文


[1] Lingshang Lin#, Dongwei Guo#, Lingxiao Zhao, Xudong Zhang, Juan Wang,Fengmin Zhang, Cunxu Wei*. Comparative structure of starches from high-amylose maize inbredlines and their hybrids.  Food Hydrocolloids , 2016,52: 19-28

[2] Lingshang Lin#,Dongwei Guo#,Jun Huang,Xudong Zhang,Long Zhang,Cunxu Wei*. Molecular structure and enzymatic hydrolysis properties of starches from high-amylose maize inbred lines and their hybrids.  Food Hydrocolloids , 2016,58: 246-254

[3] Xudong Zhang, Yaofeng Chen*, Renhe Zhang, Yuyue Zhong, Yan Luo, Shutu Xu, Jianchao Liu, Jiquan Xue, Dongwei Guo* Effects of extrusion treatment on physicochemical properties and in vitro digestion of pregelatinized high amylose maize flour.  Journal of Cereal Science  68 (2016) 108-115

[4] Jianzhou Qu, Chuang Ma, Jiaojiao Feng, Shutu Xu, Lei Wang, Feifei Li, Yibo Li, Renhe Zhang, Xinghua Zhang, Jiquan Xue*, Dongwei Guo* Transcriptome Dynamics during Maize EndospermDevelopment.  PLoS ONE  11(10): e0163814. doi:10.1371

[5] Xudong Zhang, Jiaojiao Feng, Heng Wang, Jianchu Zhu, Yuyue Zhong, Linsan Liu,Shutu Xu, Renhe Zhang, Xinghua Zhang, Jiquan Xue, Dongwei Guo*. Bivariate Flow Cytometric Analysis and Sorting of Different Types of Maize Starch Grains.  Cytometry Part A , 2017: DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.23261 3区

[6] Yuyue Zhong,Yibo Li, Wenxin Liang, Linsan Liu, Silu Li, Jiquan Xue, Dongwei Guo*. Comparison of gelatinization method, starch concentration, and plasticizer on physical properties of high-amylose starch films.  Journal of Food Process Engineering , 2017: DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.12645 4区

[7] Xudong Zhang, Dongwei Guo, Jiquan Xue, Stavros Yanniotisb and Ioanna Mandala*. The effect of salt concentration on swelling power, rheological properties and saltiness perception of waxy, normal and high amylose maize starch.  Food & Function , 2017, 8(10):3792-3802

[8] Linsan Liu, Silu Li, Yuyue Zhong, Yibo Li, Jianzhou Qu, Jiaojiao Feng, Shutu Xu, Renhe Zhang, Jiquan Xue, Dongwei Guo*. Nutritional, physical and sensory properties of extruded products from high-amylose corn grits.  Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture , 2017, 29(11):846-855

[9] Yuyue Zhong, Xu Li, Tianru Lan, Yibo,Linsan Liu, Jianzhou Qu, Renhe Zhang, Wenxin Liang, Jiquan Xue, Xingxun Liu, Dongwei Guo*, Effects of Different Thermal Treatment Methods on Preparation and Physical Properties of High Amylose Maize Starch Based Films,  International Journal of Food Engineering , 2018, 14(4):1-10

[10] Yuyue Zhong, Heyuan Zhu, Wenxin Liang, Xu Li, Linsan Liu, Xudong Zhang, Huifen Yue, Jiquan Xue, Xingxun Liu*, Dongwei Guo*,High-amylose starch as a new ingredient to balance nutrition and texture of food, Journal of Cereal Science ,2018, 81:8-14.

[11] Feifei Li, Licheng Wang, Ting Li, Zhengquan Zhang, JiaojiaoFeng, Shutu Xu, Renhe Zhang, Dongwei Guo*, Jiquan Xue* ZmSMR4, a novel maize (Zea mays L.) cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor(CKI)gene, functions as a key player in plant growth, development and tolerance to abiotic stress by regulating the endoreduplication level,  Plant Science , DOI:10.1016/j.plantsci.2018.03.007

[12] Jianzhou Qu, Shutu Xu, Zhengquan Zhang, Guangzhou Chen, Yuyue Zhong, Linsan Liu, Renhe Zhang, Jiquan Xue*, Dongwei Guo*. Evolutionary, structural and expression analysis of core genes involved in starch synthesis.  Scientific Reports , (2018) 8:12736 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-30411-y

[13] Silu Li, Linsan Liu, Ting Li, Tianru Lan, Yahui Wang, Zhengquan Zhang, Jianchao Liu, Shutu Xu, Xinghua Zhang, Jianchu Zhu, Jiquan Xue, Dongwei Guo*. The distribution pattern of endopolyploidy in maize.  Theoretical and Applied Genetics , 2019,132:1487–1503.

[14] Jianzhou Qu , Shutu Xu, Xiaokang Tian, Ting Li, Licheng Wang ,Yuyue Zhong, Jiquan Xue*, Dongwei Guo*.Comparative transcriptomics reveals the difference in early endosperm development between maize with different amylose contents. Peer J ,2019, doi:10.7717/peerj.7528

[15] Yuyue Zhong, Wenxin Liang, Hanqi Pu, Andreas Blennow, Xingxun Liu*, Dongwei Guo*. Short-time microwave treatment affects the multi-scale structure and digestive properties of high-amylose maize starch,  International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 2019, 15(137): 870-877.

[16] Zhang Xudong, Gao Xuechun, Li Zhiwei, Xu Luchun, Li Yibo, Zhang Renhe, Xue Jiquan, Guo Dongwei*, The effect of amylose on kernel phenotypic characteristics, starch-related gene expression and amylose inheritance in naturally mutated high-amylose maize,  Journal of Integrative Agriculture , doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62779-6.

[17] Zhiwei Song, Yuyue Zhong, Wenjing Tian, Chuqiu Zhang, Aleksander Riis Hansen, Andre Blennow, Dongwei Guo*. Structure and functional characterization of porous, α-amylase treated, popcorn starch.  Food Hydrocolloids ,DOI:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2019.105606

[18] Yuyue Zhong,Linsan Liua, Jianzhou Qu, Silu Li, Andreas Blennow, Shayakhmetova Altyn Seytahmetovna, Xingxun Liu,* Dongwei Guo*,The relationship between the expression pattern of starch biosynthesis enzymes and molecular structure of high amylose maize starch, Carbohydrate Polymers  , 2020, 116681

[19] Zhengquan Zhang, Jianzhou Qu, Feifei Li, Silu Li, Shutu Xu, Renhe Zhang, Jiquan Xue, Dongwei Guo*,Genome-wide evolutionary characterization and expression analysis of SIAMESE RELATED family genes in maize, BMC Evolutionary Biology , 2020, 20:91

[20] Yuyue Zhong, Yibo Li, Jianzhou Qu, Xudong Zhang, Shayakhmetova Altyn  Seytahmetovna Andreas Blennow, Dongwei Guo*, Structural features of five types of maize starch granule subgroups sorted by flow cytometry,  Food Chemistry , doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129657 [21] Yuyue Zhong,# JianZhou Qu,# Andreas Blennow, Xingxun Liu,*and Dongwei Guo*,  Expression Pattern of Starch Biosynthesis Genes in Relation to the Starch Molecular Structure in High-Amylose Maize,  J.Agric.Food Chem  2021, doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c07354

[22] Lingshang Lin, Shengnan Zhao, Enpeng Li, Dongwei Guo,** Cunxu Wei*. Structural properties of starch from single kernel of high-amylose maize,  Food Hydrocolloids, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd. 2021.107349.

(二) 其他成果






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