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杨 琴

作者:         发布日期:2022-01-17     浏览次数:




杨琴,女,1983年11月出生于甘肃庆阳。作物遗传育种专业博士,西北农林科技大学农学院教授,博士生导师。入选第十四批国家高层次人才青年项目和陕西省高层次人才青年项目。兼任国际学术刊物《Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions》副主编,《Technology in Agronomy》副主编,《玉米科学》编委,全国玉米生物学学术研讨会执行委员会委员。













1. 玉米抗小斑病主效QTL-qSLB6.01的克隆与功能解析,国家自然基金面上项目,2023-2026,主持人。



4.玉米抗茎/穗腐性状挖掘、验证及抗病种质资源改良, 海南省崖州湾种子实验室揭榜挂帅项目,2022-2025,项目骨干。








(一) 发表论文

1. Chen C, Zhao Y, Tabor G, Nian H, Phillips J, Wolters P, Yang Q†, Balint-Kurti P† (2023) A leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase gene confers quantitative susceptibility to maize southern leaf blight. New Phytol. 10.1111/nph.18781

2. Gou M, Balint-Kurti P, Xu M†, Yang Q† (2023) Quantitative disease resistance: Multifaceted players in plant defense. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 65(2): 594-610

3. Wang Y, Li T, Sun Z, Huang X, Yu N, Tai H, Yang Q† (2022) Comparative transcriptome meta-analysis reveals a set of genes involved in the responses to multiple pathogens in maize. Front. Plant Sci. 13: 971371

4. Yang Q†, He Y, Kabahuma M, Chaya T, Kelly A, Borrego E, Bian Y, Kasmi FE, Yang L, Teixeira P, Kolkman J, Nelson R, Kolomiets M, Dangl J, Wisser R, Caplan J, Li X, Lauter N, Balint-Kurti P† (2017) A gene encoding maize caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase confers quantitative resistance to multiple pathogens. Nat. Genet. 49(9):1364-1372

5. Wang C*, Yang Q*, Wang W*, Li Y, Guo Y, Zhang D, Ma X, Xu M† (2017) A transposon-directed epigenetic change in ZmCCT underlies quantitative resistance to Gibberella stalk rot in maize. New Phytol. 215: 1503-1515

6. Yang Q, Balint-Kurti P†, Xu M† (2017) Quantitative disease resistance: dissection and adoption in maize. Mol. Plant 10: 402-413

7. Yang Q*, Li Z*, Li W*, Ku L*, Wang C, Ye J, Li K, Yang N, Zhong T, Li J, Chen Y, Yan J†, Yang X†, Xu M† (2013) CACTA-like transposable element in ZmCCT attenuated photoperiod sensitivity and accelerated the postdomestication spread of maize. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110: 16969-16974

8. Zhang X*, Yang Q*, Rucker E, Thomason W, Balint-Kurti P† (2017) Fine mapping of a quantitative resistance gene for gray leaf spot of maize (Zea mays. L) derived from teosinte (Z. mays ssp. parviglumis). Theor. Appl. Genet. 130:1285-1295

9. Bian Y*, Yang Q*, Balint-Kurti P, Wisser R, Holland J† (2014) Limits on the reproducibility of marker associations with southern leaf blight resistance in the maize nested association mapping population. BMC genomics, 15 (1): 1068

10. Yang Q, Xu M† (2013) Qualitative and quantitative trait polymorphisms in maize. In: Diagnostics in Plant Breeding. Heidelberg: Springer Netherlands; p405-442

11. Yang Q*, Zhang D*, Xu M† (2012) A sequential quantitative trait locus fine-mapping strategy using recombinant-derived progeny. J. Integr. Plant Biol., 54: 228-237

12. Yang Q*, Yin G*, Guo Y, Zhang D, Chen S, Xu M† (2010) A major QTL for resistance to Gibberella stalk rot in maize. Theor. Appl. Genet., 121: 673-687

13. Zhang J, Jia X, Wang G, Ma S, Wang S, Yang Q, Chen X, Zhang Y, Lyu Y, Wang X, Shi J, Zhao Y, Chen Y, Wu L† (2022) Ascorbate peroxidase 1 confers resistance to southern corn leaf blight in maize. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 64(6):1196–1211

14. Gentzel I, Park CH, Bellizzi M, Xiao G, Gadhave K, Murphree C, Yang Q, LaMantia J, Redinbaugh M, Balint-Kurti P, Sit T, Wang GL† (2020) A CRISPR/dCas9 toolkit for functional analysis of maize genes. Plant Methods, 16:133

15. Morales L, Repka A, Swarts K, Stafstrom W, He Y, Sermons S, Yang Q, Lopez-Zuniga L, Rucker E, Thomason W, Nelson R, Balint-Kurti P† (2020) Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of a large, diverse population of maize near-isogenic lines. Plant J., 103: 1246-1255

16. Cheng H, Liu J, Wen J, Nie X, Xu L, Chen N, Li Z, Wang Q, Zheng Z, Li M, Cui L, Liu Z, Bian J, Wang Z, Xu S, Yang Q, Apples R, Han D, Song W†, Sun Q†, Jiang Y† (2019). Frequent intra-and inter-species introgression shapes the landscape of genetic variation in bread wheat. Genome Biology, 20(1): 1-16

17. Xie X, Olukolu B, Yang Q, & Balint-Kurti P† (2018) Identification of a locus in maize controlling response to a host-selective toxin derived from Cochliobolus heterostrophus, causal agent of southern leaf blight. Theor. Appl. Genet., 131(12): 2601-2612

18. Minker K, Biedrzycki M, Kolagunda A, Rhein S, Perina F, Jacobs S, Moore M, Jamann T, Nelson R, Yang Q, Balint-Kurti P, Kambhamettu C, Wisser R, Caplan J† (2018) Semiautomated confocal imaging of fungal pathogenesis on plants: Microscopic analysis of macroscopic specimens. Microscopy Research and Technique, 81(2): 141–152

19. Liu Q, Liu H, Gong Y, Tao Y, Jiang L, Zuo W, Yang Q, Ye J, Lai J, Wu J, Lübberstedt T, Xu M† (2017) An atypical thioredoxin imparts early resistance to Sugarcane mosaic virus in maize. Mol. Plant 10: 483-497

20. Liu Y, Guo Y, Ma C, Zhang D, Wang C, Yang Q (2016) Transcriptome analysis of maize resistance to Fusarium graminearum. BMC Genomics 17: 477

21. Zhang D, Liu Y, Guo Y, Yang Q, Ye J, Chen S, Xu M (2012) Fine-mapping of qRfg2, a QTL for resistance to Gibberella stalk rot in maize. Theor. Appl. Genet. 124: 585-596

22. Wang Y, Yin G, Yang Q, Tang J, Lu X, Korban S, Xu M (2008) Identification and isolation of Mu-flanking fragments from maize. J. Genet. Genomics 35: 207-213

23. 赵子麒,赵雅琪,林昌朋,赵永泽,余宇潇,孟庆立,曾广莹,薛吉全,杨琴† (2021) 48份玉米自交系抗病性精准鉴定[J],中国农业科学,54(12):2510-2522

(二) 其他成果


2.与抗禾谷镰刀菌茎腐病相关的蛋白及其编码基因与应用, 中国专利,专利号:CN 104558128 B,第二完成人

3.玉米抗茎腐病主效QTL、与主效QTL连锁的分子标记和应用, 中国专利,专利号:CN 102395678 A,第二完成人

4.玉米ZmTrxh基因及其应用,中国专利,专利号:CN 104877973 B,第七完成人






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