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西澳大利亚政府农业和食品部David Hartley先生访问我院

作者:         发布日期:2007-11-08     浏览次数:


11月6日晚,借中-澳农业科技合作论坛之际,西澳大利亚政府农业和食品部自然资源管理局David Hartley先生对我院进行了访问,并与我院旱地农业专家进行了广泛交流。期间,David Hartley介绍了澳大利亚旱地农业研究的现状和趋势、西澳农业和食品部的工作重点以及他本人所从事领域的工作情况。我院教授贾志宽、李军等也向David Hartley先生介绍学院在旱地农业研究重点和今后的研究设想。                  

通过交流,双方一致认为在旱地农业研究领域具有广泛的合作前景,特别是在自然资源管理、水土流失和盐碱地治理方面合作机遇明显,双方希望今后能在旱地农业领域进一步加强合作与交流。David Hartley最后也介绍了西澳大利亚区域农业大学的基本情况,表示愿意对合作培养研究生提供最大可能的帮助。








Name              David Hartley

Nationality     Australian

Date of Birth  18/10/48

Institution  Western Australian Department of Agriculture and Food

Address           3 Baron-Hay-Court

   South Perth

   Western Australia 6108

Phone              +61 89368 3743     Fax:       +61 9474 5974


Education       Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture)

                      Bachelor of Economics

                      Graduate Diploma of Extension


l        Extensive experience (25 years) as a manager of agricultural research and extension projects and providing services to broadscale dryland and irrigated cropping industries in New South Wales, Australia.

l        Currently (9 years) the Executive Director, Natural Resource Management for the Western Australian Department of Agriculture and Food.  This position is responsible for programs to ensure the sustainability of agriculture in Western Australia and that off-site impacts are minimised.

l        Commissioner of Soil and Land Conservation (1998-2005), responsible for regulation of land use practices to ensure the sustainable use of land and water resources.

l        Chair of the Australian Weeds Committee, with responsibility for national coordination of weeds policy and the development of a strategic approach to weed management.

l         Co-chair of a State and Australian Government Steering Committee to oversee and fund community natural resource management groups to achieve improved environmental outcomes in the areas of:  land management; water; biodiversity; coastal and marine management.



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